Secure Engineering

Design secure systems and implement and monitor appropriate security controls to protect your organisation's data from cyber-attack, loss or unauthorised access.

Secure software development

Develop secure applications and avoid software vulnerabilities

Developing secure software is a complex undertaking with many stumbling blocks. Not every piece of advice in the textbooks is equally suitable for every development team. Moreover, DevOps and agile approaches have triggered a paradigm shift not only in the development but also in the operation of applications. Therefore security activities must be adapted to faster development cycles and new role distributions.

Use our expertise to establish appropriate security activities in every phase of the development process. We help you to evaluate and set up secure development processes (Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC)), to establish secure CI/CD pipelines and tools, and to fully secure your "DevOps" processes.

Secure Coding Guidelines

Checklists for developing secure software

Most vulnerabilities are caused by simple mistakes when writing source code, which can be avoided very easily. Secure Coding Guidelines help you to prevent these errors and thus vulnerabilities in software development. Development teams receive valuable know-how on the secure development of software and can ultimately use the guidelines as a checklist to ensure that all security measures have been adhered to.

Condignum works with you to develop a customized Secure Coding Guide that efficiently covers your needs.

Configuration review of network appliances

Configuring network components securely

In order to operate a productive network, a large number of active network components and appliances are required, which form the basis of the network. The security of this basis is crucial for the overall security of the network and the applications and services operated in it, as well as for the users working in it.

A configuration review based on the whitebox principle efficiently identifies vulnerabilities and deviations from best practices and can then be quickly and easily rectified to drastically increase the security level of your network.

Container Security

From DevOps to DevSecOps - with secure container platforms

Agile development methods and "DevOps" processes aim to put small-scale artefacts into production quickly. Containers and container platforms often serve as the means of choice for the efficient provision of services. However, the flexible platforms offer a lot of security stumbling blocks.

Condignum helps you to clear these out of the way and successfully secure your container platform.

Cloud Security

Security - even more so in the cloud

The use of cloud services opens up many new opportunities and is becoming increasingly important in the IT landscape. However, with the shift of services and data to the cloud, there are also new security risks and legal obligations that need to be considered.

Our condignum security experts support you in all security aspects of your cloud journey. From the development of cloud security strategies, security requirements, necessary processes, as well as the technical advice and verification of used cloud services.

So you can enjoy the benefits of the cloud without having to worry about it.